
Organically grown Medicinal Cannabis or Marijuana can be grown in a growing medium in a Greenhouse under controlled conditions or in soil in an open land. The growing space, location, climate, and market specifications or requirements will determine the method of growing. If the intention is to produce for the...

Growing guide for cannabis South Africa
GROWING GUIDE FOR CANNABIS This plant has been used since Ancient times for medicinal healing of a wide range of diseases of the body and mind by herbal and traditional healers and for religious ceremonies and rituals. Research has confirmed very valuable properties, and daily testimonies of users confirm the...
How to fertilize your cannabis plant?
FERTILIZER GUIDELINE FOR GROWING ORGANIC MEDICINAL CANNABIS OR MARIJUANA IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Which are the best organic fertilisers for home growing weed? Organically grown Medicinal Cannabis or Marijuana can be grown in a growing medium in a Greenhouse under controlled conditions or in soil in an open land. The growing...
How to grow cannabis in South Africa?
GROWING GUIDE FOR CANNABIS This plant has been used since Ancient times for medicinal healing of a wide range of diseases of the body and mind by herbal and traditional healers and for religious ceremonies and rituals. Research has confirmed very valuable properties, and daily testimonies of users confirm...

How do Grow lights work?
Here is a great email I recently received and asked the writer if I could share this information. " Hello Matt I have sent you my own little write up on plants.Please remember I am no expert,merely an enthusiast.Still learning every dayas plants and lamps are forever important. ...

How to grow and care for Protea's in South Africa
Proteaceae Genera (The Protea Family) Let’s help you find out more... History: You’ve been a long time coming, Baby! The Protea family has been around for a very long time. Varieties have developed and changed significantly over the years and as result we now have about 80 genera and 1600 species....

All About Seedballs
On Seedballs WHAT HOW WHY WHO WHERE WHEN Restoration projects worldwide "I do not want you to copy my experience. All that I know I learned by observing nature ..." - Masanobu Fukuoka "It's 'difficult in a simple kind of way" - Jamie Nicol This pages gathers information about making...
Bee information for kids. Teaching children about bees is key!
Bee Facts for Kids Beekeepers use smoke to calm bees when they are collecting honey or relocating a hive. Bees make honey to feed their young and so they have something to eat during the winter. Killer bees have been known to chase people for over a 1/4 mile once...

Do bee's like protea's?
Honey from Proteas? Do bees get any honey from proteas? Ismail Ebrahim The following proteas are listed as bee plants in Anderson’s Beekeeping in South Africa (Dept Agricultural Technical Services, Bull. 394): Br stellatifolium Wild Almond: Nectar: minor to medium. Pollen: poor or minor. Flowers: Nov-Jan. Honey: beautifully light coloured, but most unpalatable and...
What are seed balls, and what is colony collapse disorder?
SeedleMe is an online store focusing on the production of seed bombs and their related products. All items are lovingly made in small batches from locally sourced, organic ingredients. Our aim is fourfold: To explain and encourage the concept and benefits of no till agriculture – if soil remains mostly...